Friday, November 19, 2010

Daily Diversity Download Upgrades Coming December 1, 2010

Dear Fans & Followers of the Daily Diiversity Download,

I want to first Thank You for your continued interest in and support fo the Daily Diversity Download.  It is truly a labor of love. To provide you with a more interactive experience, we are adding some enhancements to the blog that will not only continue to address the broad dimensions and contemporary issues of Diversity & Inclusion, but also allow you to bettter connect with readers, contributers and subject matter experts. I am excited about the changes. We expect to be live again on December 1st.

Although scheduling has sometimes prevented me from posting daily, please know that there is still a great deal to say and share about how Diversity & Inclusion impacts our lives daily. As we all connect with these essential pricnciples, the world coninues to get better. Therefore, I am renewing my commitment to sharing with you each day. In the meantime, you can always follow me on Twitter @Diversitywiz to get the latest updates and breaking news regarding Diversity & Inclusion.


Sean Huddleston

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